CoolSculpting® Elite

CoolSculpting Elite Logo

If you’re like most people, no matter how much you weigh or how fit you are, you have one or two “problem areas” where excess pockets of fat linger, refusing to budge no matter how many hours of cardio you endure or how many carbs you cut. In the past, liposuction surgery used to be your sole option to smooth these pesky bulges, but with constantly advancing technologies in aesthetics, new devices have made it possible to achieve a sleeker contour without surgery.

Discover CoolSculpting Elite at Pure Medspa in Medford, Oregon. This device uses cryolipolysis technology to reduce or eliminate undesirable bulges and bumps with no downtime or recovery required.

How Does CoolSculpting Elite Work?

CoolSculpting Elite is an entirely noninvasive body contouring treatment that delivers “controlled cooling” to areas of your body that are resistant to diet and exercise. This procedure gently and effectively reduces excess fat cells and permanently eliminates them from your body.

CoolSculpting Elite significantly advances our ability to effectively and efficiently treat unwanted fat bulges in virtually any area of the body.

The benefits of CoolSculpting Elite include:

  • The only FDA-cleared treatment for reducing stubborn fat in 9 different areas
  • Clinically proven to eliminate up to 25% of treated fat cells with each treatment
  • Targets 2 treatment areas at the same time with its redesigned dual applicators

The science behind CoolSculpting Elite is cryolipolysis, a process that kills the targeted fat cells by freezing them. Using a device that has several applicator options, CoolSculpting Elite provides precise cooling directly to the areas you’ve chosen for treatment. Because fat freezes at a higher temperature than other cells in your body, CoolSculpting Elite is designed to freeze only the targeted fat cells without affecting any other tissues in the surrounding area. Once the fat cells have been crystallized, they die and are gradually flushed out by your body’s natural processes.

CoolSculpting Elite informational diagram

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Before and After treatment

What Areas Can CoolSculpting Elite Treat?

Because of the number of different applicators designed to fit specific areas of your body, CoolSculpting has made it even easier to slim and contour almost any problem spot from head to toe, including:

  • Under your chin
  • Upper arms
  • Bulges along your back or bra
  • Waist and flanks (love handles or muffin top)
  • Abdomen
  • Hip area (saddlebags)
  • Under your buttocks
  • Inner and outer thighs


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CoolSculpting Elite vs. EMSCULPT NEO®

If you’re interested in building muscle in addition to burning fat, you might consider scheduling a series of EMSCULPT NEO treatments at Pure Medspa. Cleared by the FDA, EMSCULPT NEO simultaneously reduces superficial and visceral fat by heating it with radiofrequency (RF) energy and tones muscles using high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM™). The innovative technology stimulates thousands of muscle contractions in your treatment area in 30 minutes.

Diagram of areas improved by CoolSculpting Elite

How Much Does CoolSculpting Elite Cost?

At our Medford medspa, your total CoolSculpting Elite cost depends on the size of your treated area and the number of sessions needed. After consulting with you about your goals, your provider will give you a personalized estimate based on your unique treatment plan.

CoolSculpting safety information

What Makes the CoolSculpting Elite Applicators Different?

Lineup of CoolSculpting Elite applicators

The re-engineered applicators used during CoolSculpting Elite treatments belong to 1 of 3 categories (shown left to right in the above image):

Curve Series

The innovative C-shaped cup fits snugly on the treatment area, enhancing the suction that draws fat between the CoolSculpting Elite panels. This enables the applicators to treat up to 18% more surface area than traditional CoolSculpting applicators. What does this mean for you? Faster treatment times and more even results. The curve series applicators target submental fat (a double chin) and fat below the jawline and on the abdomen. We also use these applicators to treat back fat, bra fat, and banana rolls under the buttocks.

Flat Series

These 2 specially designed applicators treat vertical areas of pinchable fat, including the upper arms and inner thighs.


Fat that’s difficult to pinch requires surface applicators that are attached to the surface of the skin but don’t use suction. Surface applicators target the outer thighs and the upper abdomen.

Who Is an Ideal CoolSculpting Elite Candidate?

Ask yourself the following questions to determine whether you are an ideal CoolSculpting Elite candidate.

Are you at a healthy, stable weight?

The innovative C-shaped cup fits snugly on the treatment area, enhancing the suction that draws fat between the CoolSculpting Elite panels. This enables the applicators to treat up to 18% more surface area than traditional CoolSculpting applicators. What does this mean for you? Faster treatment times and more even results. The curve series applicators target submental fat (a double chin) and fat below the jawline and on the abdomen. We also use these applicators to treat back fat, bra fat, and banana rolls under the buttocks.

Are you looking to simply reduce fat or tighten your skin?

The CoolSculpting Elite process only reduces fat; there is nothing in its technology for tightening loose skin. If you have excess or sagging skin due to weight loss or age, CoolSculpting Elite isn’t the optimal choice for you.

Is your skin sensitive to cold, or do you have a condition that is impacted by cold?

CoolSculpting Elite machine

Because of the controlled cooling mechanism in CoolSculpting Elite, most people do not have any adverse effects from the treatment. Because fat freezes at around 39 degrees and other water-based tissues freeze at much lower temperatures, most patients do not experience skin discoloration or other sensitivities. However, if you have a known cold sensitivity or condition that is made worse by cold temperatures, CoolSculpting Elite may not be the best choice for body contouring.

CoolSculpting Elite for Men

CoolSculpting Elite isn’t just for women; it’s a cutting-edge body contouring solution designed for men too. Treatments help men achieve their desired physique without the need for invasive surgery. Whether you want to chisel your abs, define your chest, or get rid of love handles, CoolSculpting offers a tailored approach to enhance your confidence and redefine your body.


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What To Expect From Your CoolSculpting Elite Treatment

At Pure Medspa, all of our patients are clinically evaluated by Joe Gatti, our Physician Associate and aesthetic director. He will examine you, talk with you about your aesthetic goals, and recommend the CoolSculpting Elite applicator (or applicators) to be used, as well as the number of treatments required to provide you with the superior, lasting results you desire. We are the only medspa in the region that provides CoolSculpting Elite treatment plans and evaluations performed by a licensed medical provider. Each plan is evaluated by one of our trained and experienced dermatology providers to maximize your results.

Woman viewing Coolsculpting elite machine while receiving treatment

Once you’ve chosen the area or areas to be targeted and you come in for your CoolSculpting Elite session, we ensure your comfort in our CoolSculpting Elite suite, where you can enjoy the large television or just relax and rest. Our CoolSculpting Elite specialist will start the procedure by placing gel pads on your skin in the treatment area(s) to provide extra protection, then place the CoolSculpting Elite vacuum applicator over the pad. The fatty pocket is gently suctioned into the hollow applicator tip, where the temperature begins to drop, numbing the area. You may initially experience a mild pulling sensation from the applicator, but once the area is numb, that feeling will subside.

How Many CoolSculpting Elite Sessions Do I Need?

Generally, most patients do not need more than 2 to 3 CoolSculpting sessions to achieve their desired result. The first session may produce a 25 to 30% fat reduction in the target area. Another treatment session 6 weeks later can boost your results. This gives your initial treatment the time to deliver results while also preparing your body for another CoolSculpting Elite session.

What Is CoolSculpting Elite Recovery Like?

After your CoolSculpting Elite treatment is complete, your provider removes the applicator, and you are ready to return to your daily routine right away, as there is no downtime required. Some minor side effects are normal, including redness or swelling and mild bruising, but these quickly resolve on their own.

How Long Do CoolSculpting Elite Results Last?

Because CoolSculpting Elite permanently destroys fat cells in the treatment area, as long as you maintain a healthy, stable weight, the excess fat will be eliminated for good. While you may see some results as early as three weeks after your initial session, your body will continue to naturally flush out the dead fat cells for up to six months. The most dramatic results are usually visible one to three months after your procedure, and you will be able to see your more toned and slender body contour.

CoolSculpting Elite FAQs

Is CoolSculpting Elite worth the money?

For men and women who are in overall good shape but who are bothered by stubborn areas of fat, CoolSculpting produces results that most patients believe are worth the cost.

Is there a downside to CoolSculpting Elite?

There are some common but minimal side effects associated with CoolSculpting Elite treatments. You’ll likely experience swelling, redness, numbness, and even sometimes, bruising after a treatment. If you’re looking for immediate results, you won’t see them with CoolSculpting. Fat cells gradually die, so it takes time to see the outcome of the treatment.

How much weight do you lose with CoolSculpting Elite?

CoolSculpting Elite is not a weight-loss treatment, so you won’t see much impact on the scale. Good candidates for the treatment are already at or near the weight they want to maintain but have trouble spots where stubborn fat accumulates.

How painful is CoolSculpting Elite?

The discomfort associated with CoolSculpting is minimal and typically occurs during the first few minutes of the procedure as the applicator cools the treatment area. Throughout most of the procedure, you’ll be able to relax without any pain.

Is swelling following CoolSculpting Elite normal?

Yes, swelling is a common side effect following a CoolSculpting Elite treatment. It’s the result of the body’s inflammatory response to the controlled cooling and removal of dead fat cells. It may last a week or two. You can minimize swelling by wearing a compression garment on the treatment area.

Should I avoid anything following treatment?

We’ll provide you with post-treatment instructions that highlight what you should and shouldn’t do after the procedure. That includes avoiding tight-fitting clothes, limiting consumption of alcohol and caffeine, and not taking hot baths.

Your Best You Awaits

If you would like to learn more about achieving your dream body with CoolSculpting Elite at our Medford, Oregon, medical spa, please call (541) 200-2444 or book an appointment online.

Your Aesthetics Director

At Pure Medspa in Medford, OR, you can expect all the indulgences of a spa experience with all the medical expertise of a dermatology practice. Your provider team is supervised by Aesthetics Director Joe Gatti, PA-C, who uses evidence-based treatments and techniques to create customized results with safety, precision, and artistry.

Joe Gatti, PA‑C

Aesthetics Director
