Getting Summer Body-Ready (& Healthier!) With EMSCULPT NEO®

Pure Medspa
Fit woman in gym grins while flexing her arm muscles.

Getting your body in shape for the warmer weather can feel like an uphill battle! We get it because we are just like you! While we all love the idea of looking leaner and more fit, the journey can be confusing with conflicting fitness advice and diet fads. To make matters worse, improvements can be slow going, making it hard to maintain motivation to keep up your healthier ways.

If this scenario sounds familiar, take heart because The Clinic can help! We’ve invested in the world’s most effective non-invasive body sculpting and wellness tool, EMSCULPT NEO®, at our Medford clinic to help you achieve your best body in time for the summer months! EMSCULPT NEO is the first and only non-invasive body shaping procedure that provides simultaneous fat elimination and muscle building in a combined 30-minute session.

Does EMSCULPT NEO actually work?

Yes! The benefits are clinically proven: EMSCULPT NEO reduces subcutaneous fat (pinchable fat) by 30% and increases muscle volume by 25%. All you need to do is lay back and relax while EMSCULPT NEO goes to work, triggering thousands of muscle contractions with non-invasive high intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy in your target areas. But there’s so much more to this treatment.

What are the other benefits of EMSCULPT NEO?

What a lot of our patients don’t realize is that EMSCULPT NEO isn’t just a body contouring technology. While EMSCULPT NEO can help you trim fat and build muscle, it’s also amazing at helping you get healthier! Here’s how:

  • EMSCULPT NEO is clinically proven to reduce visceral fat, the fat you can’t see when you “pinch an inch.” Visceral fat is the deeper fat near your organs that raises your risk for heart disease and other health problems. Clinical research indicates that EMSCULPT NEO can reduce visceral fat by 17%! So you are getting a full spectrum of body contouring benefits at the same time you are reducing harmful fat!
  • EMSCULPT NEO is a tool for improving diastasis recti (the separation of abdominal muscles that is common during pregnancy or significant weight gain). Thanks to EMSCULPT NEO, there is finally a nonsurgical and no-downtime solution for this common concern!
  • EMSCULPT NEO helps you strengthen your core muscles, which improves all aspects of your movement, posture, and overall wellness. Your core strength is everything!
  • Lots of people just like you are candidates for treatment! EMSCULPT NEO can treat patients with a BMI up to 35. (This is unlike many other forms of non-invasive fat reduction, which require people to be close to their ideal body weight. What’s the point of a body contouring tool that only works on skinny people?) But if you are skinny and out of shape, EMSCULPT NEO is the perfect tool to help you reduce your visceral fat and get your body more toned and healthier!

Ultimately, we love EMSCULPT NEO because it helps you reach your aesthetic goals fast—within weeks—while simultaneously improving your total body wellness! How can you beat a technology like that?

Are you ready to enjoy your best body this summer? We can help with body contouring and other medical spa services at our Medford, Oregon, clinic! To learn more about EMSCULPT NEO and more, call us at 541.200.2777 or book your appointment online today.

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